Frequently Asked Questions about Home Staging

“Let me tell you how I work”  

Is it a flat fee? Do you get paid a percentage of the sales value; or the difference in what we think we would get and what we could get with you?

Generally, we’ll visit your house give you a quote for your specific space and situation. The quote will depend upon how many items already in the home we can use , the estimated number of hours that we’ll spend, and any other additional materials we may need to use to Stage the home properly. You may prefer we work on an hourly basis for certain situations, or to add furniture rental to your overall plan. This will be spelled out for you.

We want to do the work on our own, can you tell us what we need?

If you prefer, we will prepare a written “game plan” for you, including color choices. Call for pricing.

How long does it take to get our quote?

Once you contact us for a quote, we set up a time to see the property. Once we see the property, we’ll meet again with your specific quotation. We know you have enjoyed your wonderful home! We Stage your house in an effort to have as many clients picture themselves enjoying the home as well!  Call  508-221-0030